Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Henneko: The "Hentai" Prince and the Stone Cat - Review

Yes, I might never finish that visual novel I was playing, but that's okay because so far barely anyone reads my blogs.

Henneko: The "Hentai" Prince and The Stone Cat is a cute little anime that I enjoyed, for the most part.

Here's a pv (promotional video):

Now, I'm not going to make this super long like usual but I will give you the lowdown on the show. 
But first things first, I'm going to rant a little bit: What's up with the title? On crunchyroll it's translated as Henneko: The "Hentai" prince and Stoney cat. In Japanese: hentai ouji to warawanai neko. Warawanai does not mean Stoney, and stoney isn't even a word. Literally translated the title says: The "Hentai" prince and the cat which didn't smile.(which totally makes more sense because warate means to smile or to laugh in Japanese, nai being the character which would make it negative to be perfectly translated as Warawanai, or I didn't laugh/ not smiling. Which makes SOOOO much more sense because of the characters and the entire story-line, but we're not learning Japanese here.)

変質者(pronounced as Hentai): Japanese word for pervert

Despite this show's protagonist being a "pervert" there isn't any actual Hentai or Ecchi (Dirty, like in a perverted or sensual way) scenes in this anime. That is to say, I was surprised at how light hearted it was.

The show Starts with our main protagonist Yoto Yokodera (yes, his name kinda rhymes with itself), who is a pervert, meaning he watches porn, has hugging pillows, and has hot chick magazine, which, I have no doubt, most guys have. Anyways he Loves bathing suits and so he joins the track club to get a constant glimpse of the girls using the indoor pool for their swimming club. He does continuous squats in front of the window as to not get caught, but then one day the captain of the track team says He's going to be the next captain for his devotion to the club. Unable to tell the captain how he can't become the next captain he begins to hate himself for always having his facade. 
Then his best friend, who was also a pervert, gives Yoto all his porn mag's and stuff saying that he prayed to the Cat god of the stone cat statue on this hill in town. Trading in his hugging pillow in exchange for being a pervert he wished for world peace, and then became a missionary and started helping out homeless people and all that good stuff. Legend has it you pray to the stone cat statue, and it'll grant you're wish, taking it and giving it to someone who needs it.
Inspired by his friend, Yoto goes to the hill with his hugging pillow to pray to the cat god. When he gets there he meets Tsukiko Tsutsukakushi (Try saying it ten times fast, I Dare you.) A girl with a bag full of hot buns (I forgot if they were filled with meat or beans) wanting to pray to the cat god to remove her expressions, because she claims they are childish and get in the way. 
They pray to the cat god and suddenly Yoto's belt is gone along with one of Tsukiko's buns. Thinking nothing of it they leave only to find out the next day that Yoto no longer has a facade to keep everyone from knowing he's a total perv, and Tsukiko can no longer express emotion. 
They start to look for whom ever has Yoto's facade and tsukiko's emotion, and end up on an adventure together.

I had a lot of fun with this anime and finished it off in about two days. It was cute, and unlike most harem anime's where the protagonist has more than one girl to choose from, This one surprised me with it's end.

So, The ending was nice, Yoto fell in love with Tsukiko, and they actually kiss in the end. I was really surprised they didn't have an open ending like most harem anime's. [Most harem anime's (anime's where the main character is a boy and most of the surrounding characters are girls and are all love interests) usually have open endings (endings where the protagonist can seemingly choose whichever character he wants in the end. There are some open endings that are so open they seem like the protagonist can get away with dating them all) the fact that Henneko didn't have the open ending problem (which by the way is totally deceitful) was a huge positive for my par]

 But quite frankly, I also didn't like the ending in the fact that they ended off with a gag. It's not the fact that they ended it with the classic line "Through and through you're a real Hentai-san aren't you?", it was more the way they delivered it. Personally, I felt like they could've had the scene come out nicer.
So, here's how the scene went:
The two are in a Ferris wheel seat thing, and they're talking, Yoto smoothly sits next to her and feeds her what he thinks is a suave line. She's not all that amused. then all of a sudden a rabbit pops up on window out of no where scaring the two half dead. They tumble on the floor of the ferris wheel cart thing and he's on top of her, classic misunderstood-accident-it's-hard-to-explain-but-it's-not-what-it-looks-like-situation. From under Yoto, Tsukiko, then cathes his attention, and they end off with a close up of tsukiko as she delivers the line "I was always aware of this sempai, but, Through and through you're a real Hentai-san aren't you?"
end anime 
Yes, this is a picture of the last scene. We end off on this. Well, I mean i guess that's not bad, but it could've been better.

[sempai= senior, upperclassman]

See, I just feel like the gag just wasn't delivered well enough for the end of this anime in particular. I just felt like the ending didn't do the entire anime justice. So I'll show you what I was thinking.
How I would have ended it:
The two are in a ferris wheel seat thing, and they're talking, Yoto smoothly sits next to her and feeds her what he thinks is a suave line. She's not all that amused. then all of a sudden a rabbit pops up on window out of no where scaring the two half dead. They tumble on the floor of the ferris wheel cart thing and he's on top of her, classic misunderstood-accident-it's-hard-to-explain-but-it's-not-what-it-looks-like-situation. From under Yoto, Tsukiko, then cathes his attention, and and then a close up of tsukiko as she delivers the line "I was always aware of this sempai, but, Through and through you're a real-"
 Then Yoto would come in closer as he cuts her off saying something along the lines of "a real hentai-san, right?" and close the anime with a kiss.
And that's it! And i ended up making it super long again....

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