Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Nail Shop Paris (Review)

Nail Shop Paris is a vividly short Korean drama with only ten remarkable episodes that were much more than I expected.

This Korean Drama revolves around Hong Yeo Joo a fantasy novelist who has a bit of an obsession with Gumiho's. (nine tail foxes; they tend to be rather popular in Asia as vampires are in the U.S., *cough cough* Twilight) But we can't blame her, after all Yeo Joo was once saved by a Gumiho when she was lost in the mountains as a child. 

After getting her first novel rejected because it was too similar to Twilight, she roams around helplessly for inspiration and ends up at a train station, which is where she first see's Alex, a kind-hearted man who helps the police catch some random act of crime and coincidentally catches Yeo Joo's eye. So she follows him to see that he works at a place called, you guessed it, Nail Shop Paris. At Paris only male nail artists are allowed to work there so, in order to hunt down and find out everything possible about Alex, she cuts her hair and cross dresses as a boy in order to get a job there. 
At Paris she meets Alex, whom she had been stalking, Kay, who you presume hates her, and Jin, your all around class clown nice guy, not to mention The boss at Paris Guem Mi Rye, whom all rename our main character as Bunny. Here at Paris they're always trying to help people out whilst keeping their nails in tippy top shop. (although i will admit, i disliked a lot of the nail styles cause they all had that really pointy tip, and nails like these remind me of classic evil villains from snow white and other old movies)

Bunny lives with her best friend Ji Soo and writes her novel basically on her life, but with a lot more thrilling suspense and cunning edge fantasy, and that's where our story begins.

A lot of the drama in this drama is from the fact that Bunny is in fact a girl, and she likes Alex while Kay likes her, and then she has her conspiracy where she thinks the Boss is a Gumiho. I won't be a total spoiler and spoil the end for you guys, but Here's a hint to get you interested: Bunny's novel, is actually a lot closer to the reality of her life than she ever imagined.

Not to worry, there is more, Jin and Ji Soo have their own little romance going on, not to mention a little bit of drama going on here as well.

The ending really had me going for a loop,I'm not going to tell you how it ends, or what happens, but it was really not what i expected, but, in a good way. I enjoyed the ending a lot and can say with courage that even though this drama was fairly short compared to others in the fact that this one was only ten episodes( Most Asian dramas can very from 10-25 episodes per season. Nail Shop Paris only has one season), it didn't feel rushed at all. As a matter of fact I enjoyed the pace it went at. Each episode made me want to watch the next, and nothing was dragged (like a lot of drama's tend to do). What made me especially happy was the fact that the ending was good, and it didn't feel like it was just sloppily ended due to budget cuts or something. Although I personally abhor time flash endings, this drama pulled it off wonderfully and has honestly won my heart. 

Nail Shop Paris is a good drama to watch its nice, short, straight to the point, and not rushed. It stays true to its genre as a rom-com and the drama adds a touch of feel and suspense to make you watch more, I recommend it!

Anyways, if you did watch this drama, or do watch it in the future, comment below your opinion, tell me if there's anything I missed, and yes, I allow you to fan girl in the comments as well. Until Next week!
Next week's review will be on Cyrano!

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