Saturday, October 19, 2013

Senyu (anime review)

So, a lot has happened since I last blogged, however I will finally blog again! I actually finished this particular anime about three weeks ago, but I haven't had a chance to blog until now, So, here goes nothing.
Senyu is a short anime ona series about Hero Alba, one of many hero's who could possibly be the descendant of a great hero who saved the world a bunch of years ago. The king sent out Alba and thousands of other could be descendants (with royal guard) to slay the demon lord once again and save the world.Hero Alba and royal guard Ross meet the demon lord who in actuality is a small child named Ruki who's actually really weak. This anime depicts their adventure.

I must say, that this anime was absolutely adorable,funny, and filled with adventure. So much so, that I ended up seeing it all in one day, (well, it was also really short so..) but I really enjoyed it. A 9 out of 10 for me, and thats only because I kinda wish there was more, I'm intent on finding the manga, or light novel to this, if there is one, because it was so good, that now I'm hungry for more!

Friday, October 4, 2013

Brother's Conflict (anime Review)

It's been a while blogger, but I'm back!!!
So this past week I watched Brother's Conflict, an anime based off of a light novel that became an otome game that I honestly thought I wouldn't like, but I actually really enjoyed it's animation.

Yes, this is a reverse harem anime, and for those of you who don't know a reverse harem anime is the opposite of a harem anime. A harem anime is an anime in which the protagonist is a male and is generally surrounded by females who love him, so a reverse harem is the opposite, where your protagonist is a girl mainly surrounded by guys who love her. As the Title of the show states the guys who love her are her brothers, now before you go off on incest let me explain, Protagonist here (formally known as chi-chan) is a new addition to the family being that her foster father married a woman who had twelve boys and one adopted son. I honestly thought it was bad news until I started watching, then I was just like, oh okay, so it's not incest.
The animation for one, was very well done, as well as the vocal talent of Gero for the theme song (which I'm currently obsessed with). It's BelovedxSurvival by Gero, if you don't know him, you will learn to love his fun filled voice.
Anyways, the story revolves around chi-chan, who is going to be siblings with 13 new brothers (I know, at first I was like wow there cowboy, slow down, but it grows on you) Her father works traveling the world and is getting married to his new wife. She suggested that chi-chan live with the rest of her sons in a mansion apartment complex called Sunrise Courts. When chi-chan arrives there she meets the boys and Juli (her pet squirrel? yes, her pet squirrel, when i first saw it I was just like, no! not the weird animal pet thing! but it gets better, trust me)Is off to a heated start saying they have to stick together no matter what. Well, they don't exactly stay together all the time and now everybody'd in love with her.....yeah.

I'm going to be completely honest here, the story was okay, and the beginning was kind of....boring, but escalated quickly. A little too quickly, by the end of the anime the brothers were either throwing themselves out of her harem or being kicked out by her. And there was major hinting at another season, although when that comes out I'll be conflicted to watch it, even though I probably will anyways.
A total of seven out of ten stars for this one.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Strange dreams

So, no, this is not an anime or game review, this is.....a more personal blog.
So, sunday night I had a restless sleep filled with figmented dreams. The only one I remembered was this one because of how strange it was, and how terrible it was.

So in my dream I'm playing checkers with a very pretty girl.We’re at a glass and metal table with matching seats across from each other. She has straight black long hair with bangs, red eyes, and a beauty mark near her left eye. She's wearing a black, red and white sailor uniform with black thigh high boots. While I'm playing checkers with her she opens her powder blue flower adorned folding fan and begins to chuckle behind. Aprubtly closing the fan she stands from her chair and laughs down at me (classic look down upon you peasants pose with harty laughter) then she tells me "That move was so suspicous, you could call it cancer!" As she says this the background behind her is of an orange crab and a few crawfish with shocked faces. Then, since I couldn't look at her seriosly anymore with that terrible zodiac pun, I look down at the table to find that the game of checkers I had been playing was actually a game of chess.

I find it strange, not because of the bad pun (although that adds to the strangeness) but more because the pun had to do with the zodiac sign cancer, since I'm a virgo. The game of chess or checkers, the entire dream was just strange.
By the way, the reason I know that was a bad pun was because it was a pun that was meant for only me to understand. “That move was so suspicious, you can call it cancer!” referred to cancer in the zodiac which is represented as a crab. Crabs have a habit of walking in a side to side manner, which in a way can be suspicious (when you’re walking side ways it’s usually to be sneaky or hide from someone or thing). Hence “That move was so suspicious, you can call it cancer!”

I asked on of my professors about it as well as one of my cousins and they told me that maybe I didn't get what I want recently or that I've been playing my game to agressively when I should be using strategy, and that maybe I should check what cancer has for this month.
I’ve also received other responses, that maybe the girl in my dream was my opponent and felt like she was in a position where she was losing in the game; that her red eyes mean she’s confident; that she’s the personification of my sketches and devotion to anime, and the like. There have been suggestions that maybe I’m so in control of my game that I was playing chess thinking it was simply checkers, and that the whole checkers to chess ordeal means I’m moving ahead of the game.
I still can’t get over that terrible pun though...
I know nothing of dreams, or dream interpretations, but I'm extremely curious as to what it means. If anyone knows about dreams or hints, or if you just wan to commen a weird dream you've had, or comment on my dream go ahead.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Another review

So, the title of this post is definitely a pun. Sorry for not posting for a while, I was in a bit of a manga frenzy, I apologize.
Anyways, I just finished up watching Another anime, named Another. 

Another is about kouichi Sakakibara. An average boy who arrives into class 3 in his ninth grade year as a transfer student to Yomiyama North Middle School in 1998, and they say that the ninth grade class cursed.
They say it all started 26 years ago, in 1972, when a boy named Misaki Yomiyama was killed in a house fire with his parents. Being loved by both teachers and students alike, the class was devastated, that is until it happened. When the school in it's entity began pretending he was still alive. Ever since then there has always been an extra person in the class, a person who is not living, and if that person is welcomed into the class, the calamity begins.
Anyone in class 3, involved with class 3, or closely related to anyone in class 3, only in the city of Yomiyama, holds a risk of dyeing. The deaths happen each month and can vary from 1 to 10 deaths at a time.
When Kouichi enters the class he is welcomed by all, except for a certain student. A girl who sits at the back of the class and is ignored by all, at just the mention of her name the class shivers. Her name is Mei Misaki, and she is the person that does not "exist" to the rest of class 3. Unknowing of this, he talks to her and our horror anime begins!

I was actually delightfully surprised with this anime. I only started watching it after my friend practically pinned me to wall and told me he'd never speak to me again if I didn't watch it, but I absolutely enjoyed it. It reminded me of dead man wonderland, with all the unneeded gore and the twisted storyline.

All in all it's a good anime. It sent goosebumps down my spine, and was so suspenseful I saw it all in one day (which would be today). I especially enjoyed how innocent and kind hearted our protagonists are despite the cruelty they go through.
Of course I disliked certain aspects like the strange lack of emotion by Kouichi when a person dies, but it was amazing how i nearly never saw who was going to die nest coming. It surpassed my expectations and shook me up with happiness. Its a gory horror suspense anime, so if you're not good with scary, or bloody things this anime isn't exactly for you.

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mayo Chiki (review)

I have been on a roll, as you can see so here goes.
Mayo Chiki, the story of Jirou Sakamichi, a gynephobic high school boy who one day finds that a butler of a very rich student in his school is in fact a girl not a guy.

Gynephobia: an abnormal fear of women

Our main character's are Jirou, and Subaru. Our more important side characters consist of Usami-san, Jirou's younger sister who's name I forget, Subaru's mistress whom he serves and the captain of the good subaru fan club.

The show starts with the appearance of Subaru and all his fan girls squealing as he does his butler duties. Then you're switched to Jirou's perspective where his friend is accusing him of being gay. This actually happens a lot in the anime, because Subaru is a girl and they do in some way, feel attracted to each other. Also he's burdened with the task of making sure no one finds out that Subaru is a girl.

That's basically the entire anime though, there's really not that much to the story line.
Jirou became gynephobic due to the fact that his father died when he was young, and his mother, who's a pro wrestler, and his sister treat him like a living punching bag.
 The series was pretty cute, but, I feel it had more potential than what the producers gave it a chance to be. It honestly could have been better, but it was a cute enough story, and the comic relief was okay. They didn't go very far with the romance though. That made me kinda unsatisfied, but all's good. The world has enough anime for me to keep going for ages.

Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? Of The Dead (review)

Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? is an anime which revolves around the life of Ayumu Aikawa, whom was killed by a serial killer and raised back to life by a necromancer. Ayumu is a zombie who lives together with the necromancer Eu, a masou shojo (magical girl) Haruna, and a vampire ninja Sera. Oh, he also accidentally stole Haruna's magic power so he has to cross dress and use Mystletainn-sensei(the name of the chainsaw). 

Kore Wa Zombie Desu Ka? Of The Dead is it's second season, which, by the way was absolutely amazing, just like it's previous season.

I laughed so hard watching the new season that I almost died! (lol, zombie joke) Anyways This anime has a lot to offer as opposed to a lot of others. The fact that Ayumu is stapled to the middle of this harem makes it all the more hysterical  It has a lot of gory humor, and aside from that it's got some pretty good fan service.

Aside from that a lot of the actual comedy comes out of the fact that Ayumu is a  Zombie. With this option we can practically kill Ayumu comically in any way, and he'd still be alive.
 Also because He is a Zombie he's practically allergic to sunlight, knowing this he still goes to school, and often times, since he sits right next to the window, he drys up.
Not to mention that Ayumu often times fantasizes about Eu, because she doesn't speak or show emotion, he often fantasizes her to be a lot like this:

Lastly, I can't forget my favorite charter  (other than Ayumu that is) Sarsveti! and her obsession with Ayumu's butt, which is quite a mysterious thing.

As an all in all, I thoroughly enjoyed both seasons and it's ova's. They were spectacular and I can say without a doubt this anime is in one of my top favorites.

Oh! by the way, here's a picture of Mystletainn-sensei.

Haiyore! Nyaruani

So, yes, I did watch the last two seasons before the first two seasons, but it can't be helped because the first two seasons are pure ONA's (small 1 to 4 minute episodes). A lot of ONA's are most usually based on pure comedy relief and lack an actual plot. However Haiyore! Nyaruani: Remember My Mr. Lovecraft had more of a story line than most ONA's.(then again there is Hetalia)

They were very cute and I enjoyed them all. They had me laughing so hard. Sure these ONA's were made clearly under budget with Adobe Flash, but the art isn't TERRIBLE, and the comedic relief really helps you watch it.

so yeah, you should check it out, it's on crunchyroll by the way and these ONA's will only take you a good hour or two to finish them all.
Have Fun!